Honey Badger Integral Suppressor

Honey Badger Integral Suppressor

Quick Glance

Item ID 58793
Item Type BARREL
Slot Type NONE
Inventory Size 2x1
Buy Price Not For Sale
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Description Honey Badger Integral Suppressor. A solid sound suppressor that cuts off a noticeable distance the noise travels up to. Compatibility: Honey Badger Tier: 6

Barrel Stats

Recoil X 0.98
Recoil Y 0.88
Shake Value 0.95
Spread Value 0.8
Sway Value 1.25
Ballistic Drop 0.925
Aiming Movement Speed Multiplier 1
Muzzle Flash Hidden
Only Affect Aim While Prone

Extra Stats

Use Underwater
Delete at Zero Quality


Image Information Buy Price Sell Price Buy Command
Honey Badger PDW
Honey Badger PDW
ID: 58772
Not For Sale


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