Image | ID | Name | Buy Price | Sell Price |
2 | Work Jeans | 1,499.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
3 | Orange Hoodie | 1,999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
4 | Eaglefire | 4,999.99¢ | 1,499.99¢ |
5 | Eaglefire Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
6 | Military Magazine | 199.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
7 | Military Suppressor | 2,449.99¢ | 349.99¢ |
8 | Vertical Grip | 2,249.99¢ | 349.99¢ |
9 | Red Daypack | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
10 | Police Vest | 3,999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
11 | Red Bandana | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
13 | Canned Beans | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
14 | Bottled Water | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
15 | Medkit | 2,299.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
16 | Camp Axe | 1,999.99¢ | 129.99¢ |
17 | Military Drum | 499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
18 | Timberwolf | 8,999.99¢ | 1,999.99¢ |
19 | Timberwolf Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
20 | Timberwolf Magazine | 49.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
21 | 8x Scope | 1,999.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
22 | Cross Scope | 1,499.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
27 | Tophat | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
28 | Portable Gas Can | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
29 | Maple Fortification | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
30 | Maple Barricade | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
31 | Maple Floor | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
32 | Maple Doorway | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
33 | Maple Wall | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
34 | Maple Window | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
35 | Maple Roof | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
36 | Maple Pillar | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
37 | Birch Log | 129.99¢ | 34.99¢ |
38 | Birch Stick | 19.99¢ | 2.99¢ |
39 | Maple Log | 129.99¢ | 34.99¢ |
40 | Maple Stick | 19.99¢ | 2.99¢ |
41 | Pine Log | 129.99¢ | 34.99¢ |
42 | Pine Stick | 19.99¢ | 2.99¢ |
43 | Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate | 249.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
44 | Low Caliber Civilian Ammunition Box | 99.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
45 | Birch Barricade | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
46 | Pine Barricade | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
47 | Birch Fortification | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
48 | Pine Fortification | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
49 | Birch Doorway | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
50 | Pine Doorway | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
51 | Birch Floor | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
52 | Pine Floor | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
53 | Birch Pillar | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
54 | Pine Pillar | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
55 | Birch Roof | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
56 | Pine Roof | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
57 | Birch Wall | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
58 | Pine Wall | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
59 | Birch Window | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
60 | Pine Window | 1,499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
61 | Maple Plank | 49.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
62 | Birch Plank | 49.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
63 | Pine Plank | 49.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
64 | Rope | 299.99¢ | 59.99¢ |
65 | Wire | 112.49¢ | 37.49¢ |
66 | Cloth | 69.99¢ | 14.99¢ |
67 | Metal Scrap | 74.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
68 | Metal Sheet | 149.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
69 | Tape | 124.99¢ | 39.99¢ |
70 | Glue | 74.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
71 | Nails | 149.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
72 | Metal Can | 299.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
73 | Raw Explosives | 499.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
74 | Bricks | 224.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
75 | Chemicals | 2,499.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
76 | Blowtorch | 2,499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
77 | Canned Tomato Soup | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
78 | Canned Chicken Soup | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
79 | Canned Tuna | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
80 | Canned Cola | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
81 | MRE | 4,999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
82 | Chips | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
83 | Chocolate Bar | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
84 | Candy Bar | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
85 | Granola Bar | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
86 | Energy Bar | 449.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
87 | Canned Pasta | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
88 | Canned Bacon | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
89 | Canned Beef | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
90 | Canned Sardines | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
91 | Apple Juice | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
92 | Grape Juice | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
93 | Bottled Energy | 449.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
94 | Bottled Coconut | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
95 | Bandage | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
96 | Splint | 249.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
97 | 1911 | 999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
98 | 1911 Magazine | 49.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
99 | Cobra | 2,499.99¢ | 599.99¢ |
100 | Cobra Magazine | 149.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
101 | Schofield | 2,499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
102 | Schofield Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
103 | Schofield Clip | 49.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
104 | Fire Axe | 1,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
105 | Baseball Bat | 1,249.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
106 | Hockey Stick | 1,249.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
107 | Ace | 1,249.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
108 | Ace Clip | 49.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
109 | Hawkhound | 2,749.99¢ | 649.99¢ |
110 | Hawkhound Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
111 | Hawkhound Magazine | 49.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
112 | Bluntforce | 2,299.99¢ | 549.99¢ |
113 | 12 Gauge Shells | 99.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
114 | Bluntforce Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
115 | Raw Mauve Berries | 749.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
116 | PDW | 19,999.99¢ | 2,999.99¢ |
118 | PDW Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
119 | Low Caliber Ranger Ammunition Box | 249.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
120 | Kitchen Knife | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
121 | Military Knife | 2,999.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
122 | Zubeknakov | 6,249.99¢ | 1,749.99¢ |
123 | Ranger Magazine | 249.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
124 | Zubeknakov Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
125 | Ranger Drum | 499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
126 | Nykorev | 9,499.99¢ | 2,499.99¢ |
127 | Nykorev Box | 499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
128 | Nykorev Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
129 | Snayperskya | 8,999.99¢ | 1,799.99¢ |
130 | Snayperskya Magazine | 99.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
131 | Snayperskya Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
132 | Dragonfang | 9,499.99¢ | 2,499.99¢ |
133 | Dragonfang Box | 499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
134 | Dragonfang Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
135 | Golf Club | 1,249.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
136 | Sledgehammer | 1,249.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
137 | Butcher Knife | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
138 | Hammer | 1,999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
139 | Pocketknife | 1,249.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
140 | Butterfly Knife | 1,249.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
141 | Saw | 1,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
142 | Rake | 1,249.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
143 | Bipod | 2,249.99¢ | 349.99¢ |
144 | Ranger Suppressor | 2,249.99¢ | 349.99¢ |
145 | Horizontal Grip | 2,249.99¢ | 349.99¢ |
146 | Dot Sight | 999.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
147 | Halo Sight | 999.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
148 | Chevron Scope | 1,499.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
149 | Military Barrel | 2,249.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
150 | Military Muzzle | 2,249.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
151 | Tactical Laser | 1,499.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
152 | Tactical Light | 1,499.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
153 | 7x Scope | 1,999.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
154 | Orange Shirt | 1,499.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
155 | Orange T-Shirt | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
156 | Orange Parka | 2,249.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
157 | Purple Hoodie | 2,499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
158 | Purple Shirt | 1,499.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
159 | Purple T-Shirt | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
160 | Purple Parka | 2,249.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
161 | Green Hoodie | 2,699.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
162 | Green Parka | 2,449.99¢ | 229.99¢ |
163 | Green Shirt | 1,699.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
164 | Green T-Shirt | 1,449.99¢ | 129.99¢ |
165 | Red Hoodie | 2,499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
166 | Red Parka | 2,249.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
167 | Red Shirt | 1,499.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
168 | Red T-Shirt | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
169 | Yellow Hoodie | 2,499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
170 | Yellow Parka | 2,249.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
171 | Yellow Shirt | 1,499.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
172 | Yellow T-Shirt | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
173 | Blue Hoodie | 2,499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
174 | Blue Parka | 2,249.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
175 | Blue Shirt | 1,499.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
176 | Blue T-Shirt | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
177 | White Hoodie | 2,499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
178 | White Parka | 2,249.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
179 | White Shirt | 1,499.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
180 | White T-Shirt | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
181 | Black Hoodie | 2,499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
182 | Black Parka | 2,249.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
183 | Black Shirt | 1,499.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
184 | Black T-Shirt | 1,249.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
185 | Black Bandana | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
186 | Blue Bandana | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
187 | Green Bandana | 1,749.99¢ | 75.99¢ |
188 | Orange Bandana | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
189 | Purple Bandana | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
190 | White Bandana | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
191 | Yellow Bandana | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
192 | Black Toque | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
193 | Blue Toque | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
194 | Green Toque | 1,749.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
195 | Orange Toque | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
196 | Purple Toque | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
197 | Red Toque | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
198 | White Toque | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
199 | Yellow Toque | 1,499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
200 | Black Daypack | 3,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
201 | Blue Daypack | 3,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
202 | Green Daypack | 4,249.99¢ | 329.99¢ |
203 | Orange Daypack | 3,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
204 | Purple Daypack | 3,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
205 | White Daypack | 4,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
206 | Yellow Daypack | 3,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
207 | Outfit Jeans | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
208 | Cowboy Jeans | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
209 | Cargo Pants | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
211 | Plaid Shirt | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
212 | Khaki Pants | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
213 | Corduroy Pants | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
214 | Trouser Pants | 1,999.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
215 | Black Sweatervest | 1,999.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
216 | Blue Sweatervest | 1,999.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
217 | Green Sweatervest | 2,299.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
218 | Orange Sweatervest | 1,999.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
219 | Purple Sweatervest | 1,999.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
220 | Red Sweatervest | 1,999.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
221 | White Sweatervest | 1,999.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
222 | Yellow Sweatervest | 1,999.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
223 | Police Top | 3,499.99¢ | 349.99¢ |
224 | Police Bottom | 3,499.99¢ | 349.99¢ |
225 | Police Cap | 1,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
226 | Khaki Shorts | 1,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
227 | Cargo Shorts | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
228 | Corduroy Shorts | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
229 | Trouser Shorts | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
230 | Chef Top | 3,499.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
231 | Chef Bottom | 3,499.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
232 | Construction Top | 3,499.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
233 | Firefighter Top | 3,499.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
234 | Firefighter Bottom | 3,499.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
235 | Ghillie Top | 6,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
236 | Ghillie Bottom | 6,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
237 | Ghillie Hood | 2,999.99¢ | 199.99¢ |
238 | Ghillie Vest | 6,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
239 | Chef Hat | 1,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
240 | Construction Helmet | 1,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
241 | Firefighter Helmet | 1,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
242 | Farmer Top | 3,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
243 | Farmer Bottom | 3,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
244 | Farmer Hat | 1,499.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
245 | Black Travelpack | 7,499.99¢ | 749.99¢ |
246 | Blue Travelpack | 4,999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
247 | Green Travelpack | 5,299.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
248 | Orange Travelpack | 4,999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
249 | Purple Travelpack | 4,999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
250 | Red Travelpack | 4,999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
251 | White Travelpack | 4,999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
252 | Yellow Travelpack | 4,999.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
253 | Alicepack | 29,999.99¢ | 2,999.99¢ |
254 | Fragmentation Grenade | Not For Sale | 249.99¢ |
255 | Blue Flare | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
256 | Green Flare | 749.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
257 | Orange Flare | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
258 | Purple Flare | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
259 | Red Flare | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
260 | Yellow Flare | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
261 | Black Smoke | 849.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
262 | Blue Smoke | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
263 | Green Smoke | 849.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
264 | Orange Smoke | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
265 | Purple Smoke | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
266 | Red Smoke | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
267 | White Smoke | 849.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
268 | Yellow Smoke | 499.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
269 | Vaccine | 1,499.99¢ | 129.99¢ |
270 | Raw Amber Berries | 749.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
271 | Raw Indigo Berries | 749.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
272 | Raw Jade Berries | 749.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
273 | Raw Russet Berries | 749.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
274 | Raw Teal Berries | 749.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
275 | Raw Vermillion Berries | 749.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
276 | Flashlight | 1,499.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
277 | Carjack | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
281 | Maple Door | 349.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
282 | Birch Door | 349.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
283 | Pine Door | 349.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
284 | Jail Door | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
285 | Metal Bar | 37.49¢ | 12.49¢ |
286 | Vault Door | 2,249.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
287 | Bars Fortification | 2,499.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
288 | Black Bedroll | 499.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
289 | Blue Bedroll | 499.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
290 | Green Bedroll | 599.99¢ | 34.99¢ |
291 | Orange Bedroll | 499.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
292 | Purple Bedroll | 499.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
293 | Red Bedroll | 499.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
294 | White Bedroll | 499.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
295 | Yellow Bedroll | 499.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
296 | 16x Scope | 2,499.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
297 | Grizzly | 12,499.99¢ | 3,499.99¢ |
298 | Grizzly Magazine | 199.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
299 | Grizzly Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
300 | Shadowstalker | 49,999.99¢ | 24,999.99¢ |
301 | Rail | 9.99¢ | 2.99¢ |
302 | Shadowstalker Scope | 1,999.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
303 | Prisoner Top | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
304 | Prisoner Bottom | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
305 | RCMP Bottom | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
306 | RCMP Top | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
307 | Forest Military Top | 6,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
308 | Forest Military Bottom | 6,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
309 | Forest Military Helmet | 5,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
310 | Forest Military Vest | 3,499.99¢ | 249.99¢ |
311 | Medic Top | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
312 | Medic Bottom | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
313 | RCMP Hat | 1,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
314 | Grocer Top | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
315 | Grocer Bottom | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
316 | Maple Stairs | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
317 | Pine Stairs | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
318 | Birch Stairs | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
319 | Maple Hole | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
320 | Pine Hole | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
321 | Birch Hole | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
322 | Maple Ramp | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
323 | Birch Ramp | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
324 | Pine Ramp | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
325 | Maple Ladder | 349.99¢ | 29.29¢ |
326 | Birch Ladder | 349.99¢ | 29.29¢ |
327 | Pine Ladder | 349.99¢ | 29.29¢ |
328 | Locker | 2,499.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
329 | Carrot | 549.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
330 | Carrot Seed | 349.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
331 | Planter | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
332 | Fertilizer | 349.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
333 | Binoculars | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
334 | Military Nightvision | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
335 | Corn | 549.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
336 | Corn Seed | 349.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
337 | Canteen | 499.99¢ | 54.99¢ |
338 | Lettuce | 549.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
339 | Lettuce Seed | 349.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
340 | Tomato | 549.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
341 | Tomato Seed | 349.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
342 | Potato | 549.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
343 | Potato Seed | 349.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
344 | Wheat | 549.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
345 | Wheat Seed | 349.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
346 | Crossbow | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
347 | Arrow | 4.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
348 | Maple Arrow | 4.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
349 | Crossbow Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
351 | Birch Arrow | 4.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
352 | Pine Arrow | 4.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
353 | Maple Bow | 999.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
355 | Birch Bow | 999.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
356 | Pine Bow | 999.99¢ | 0.99¢ |
357 | Compound Bow | 2,999.99¢ | 499.99¢ |
358 | Compound Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
359 | Maple Torch | 399.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
360 | Birch Torch | 399.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
361 | Pine Torch | 399.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
362 | Campfire | 749.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
363 | Maplestrike | 12,999.99¢ | 2,499.99¢ |
364 | Maplestrike Iron Sights | 9.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
365 | Sandbag | 999.99¢ | 24.99¢ |
366 | Maple Crate | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
367 | Birch Crate | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
368 | Pine Crate | 499.99¢ | 29.99¢ |
369 | Metal Floor | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
370 | Metal Doorway | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
371 | Metal Wall | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
372 | Metal Window | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
373 | Metal Roof | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
374 | Metal Pillar | 499.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
375 | Metal Stairs | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
376 | Metal Hole | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
377 | Metal Ramp | 999.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
378 | Metal Door | 499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
379 | Metal Ladder | 499.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
380 | Masterkey | 4,499.99¢ | 999.99¢ |
381 | 20 Gauge Shells | 24.99¢ | Unable to Sell |
382 | Caltrop | 1,999.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
383 | Maple Spikes | 499.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
384 | Birch Spikes | 499.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
385 | Pine Spikes | 499.99¢ | 9.99¢ |
386 | Barbed Wire | 999.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
387 | Adrenaline | 1,499.99¢ | 129.99¢ |
388 | Morphine | 1,499.99¢ | 129.99¢ |
389 | Antibiotics | 849.99¢ | 84.99¢ |
390 | Painkillers | 549.99¢ | 49.99¢ |
391 | Vitamins | 449.99¢ | 39.99¢ |
392 | Purification Tablets | 749.99¢ | 79.99¢ |
393 | Rag | 124.99¢ | 4.99¢ |
394 | Dressing | 749.99¢ | 79.99¢ |
395 | Bloodbag | 749.99¢ | 74.99¢ |
396 | Refined Mauve Berries | 1,549.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
397 | Refined Amber Berries | 1,549.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
398 | Refined Indigo Berries | 1,549.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
399 | Refined Jade Berries | 1,549.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
400 | Refined Russet Berries | 1,549.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
401 | Refined Teal Berries | 1,549.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
402 | Refined Vermillion Berries | 1,549.99¢ | 99.99¢ |
403 | Suturekit | 1,499.99¢ | 129.99¢ |
404 | Cough Syrup | 199.99¢ | 19.99¢ |
405 | Mechanic Top | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
406 | Mechanic Bottom | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
407 | Engineer Top | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
408 | Engineer Bottom | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
410 | Black Poncho | 1,749.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
411 | Blue Poncho | 1,749.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
412 | Green Poncho | 1,849.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
413 | Orange Poncho | 1,749.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
414 | Purple Poncho | 1,749.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
415 | Red Poncho | 1,749.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
416 | White Poncho | 1,749.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
417 | Yellow Poncho | 1,749.99¢ | 124.99¢ |
421 | Suit Top | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
422 | Suit Bottom | 2,999.99¢ | 299.99¢ |
423 | Engineer Hat | 1,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
424 | Fedora | 1,499.99¢ | 149.99¢ |
425 | Black Cap |