SR-3 Vikhr Suppressor

SR-3 Vikhr Suppressor

Quick Glance

Item ID 59421
Item Type BARREL
Slot Type NONE
Inventory Size 2x1
Buy Price 199.99¢
Sell Price 9.99¢
Description SR-3 Vikhr Suppressor. A light sound suppressor that cuts off a small distance the noise travels up to. Compatibility: SR-3M Vikhr Rifle Tier: 4

Barrel Stats

Recoil X 0.94
Recoil Y 0.92
Shake Value 0.97
Spread Value 0.85
Sway Value 1.15
Ballistic Drop 0.975
Aiming Movement Speed Multiplier 1
Muzzle Flash Hidden
Only Affect Aim While Prone

Extra Stats

Use Underwater
Delete at Zero Quality


Image Information Buy Price Sell Price Buy Command
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