ShAK 12 Light Bolt

ShAK 12 Light Bolt

Quick Glance

Item ID 59224
Slot Type NONE
Inventory Size 1x1
Buy Price 199.99¢
Sell Price Unable to Sell
Description ShAK 12 Light Bolt Carrier. ShAK 12 add-on that lightens bolt operation, increasing rate of fire. Compatibility: ShAK 12.7 rifle Tier: Proprietary

Tactical Stats

Recoil X 1.15
Recoil Y 1.15
Shake Value 1.05
Spread Value 1.125
Sway Value 1.05
Aim Duration Multiplier 1
Aiming Recoil Multiplier 1
Aiming Movement Speed Multiplier 1
Only Affect Aim While Prone
Toggle Laser
Toggle Light
Has a Rangefinder
Perform Melee Attack

Extra Stats

Use Underwater
Delete at Zero Quality


Image Information Buy Price Sell Price Buy Command
ShAK 12
ShAK 12
ID: 59204
Not For Sale
