

Quick Glance

Item ID 59019
Item Type GUN
Inventory Size 2x1
Buy Price Not For Sale
Sell Price 9,999.99¢
Description Chinese Norinco QSZ-92 pistol. The sidearm of Chinese police force and the PLA with a 20-round magazine of 5.8x21 that performs similarily to the Soviet 7.62x25 Tokarev. Cartridge: 5.8x21

Gun Stats

Action Trigger
Recoil Min X 0.7492
Recoil Max X 0.7692
Recoil Min Y 2.692
Recoil Max Y 2.692
Shake Min X 0.004
Shake Max X 0.004
Shake Min Y -0.0115
Shake Max Y -0.0115
Shake Min Z -0.05
Shake Max Z -0.065
Sight Item ID 59022
Ammo Per Shot 1
Muzzle Velocity 600
Aim In Duration 0.2
Aim During Sprint
Zombie Alert Radius 48
Member Damage Multiplier Leg 36
Member Damage Multiplier Arm 38
Member Damage Multiplier Spine 40
Member Damage Multiplier Head 60
Zombie Damage Multiplier Leg 29.7
Zombie Damage Multiplier Arm 40
Zombie Damage Multiplier Spine 40
Zombie Damage Multiplier Head 60
Animal Damage Multiplier Leg 40
Aiming Movement Speed Multiplier 0.75
Has a Sight Slot
Has a Tactical Slot
Has a Grip Slot
Has a Barrel Slot
Can Jam
Can Toggle Safety
Can Toggle Semi
Can Toggle Auto
Can Toggle Burst
Infinite Ammo
Instakill Headshots

Extra Stats

Use Underwater
Delete at Zero Quality

Attachments & Ammunition

Image Information Buy Price Sell Price Buy Command
92FS Sights
92FS Sights
ID: 58254


Unable to Sell /buy 58254
92FS Night Sights
92FS Night Sights
ID: 58255


Unable to Sell /buy 58255
CPL-RM Laser
CPL-RM Laser
ID: 58311


Unable to Sell /buy 58311
X300 Flashlight
X300 Flashlight
ID: 58651


Unable to Sell /buy 58651
DAP92 20rnd QSZ92 Mag
DAP92 20rnd QSZ92 Mag
ID: 59020 | Capacity: 20



/buy 59020
QSZ92 Sights
QSZ92 Sights
ID: 59022


Unable to Sell /buy 59022
Speech Jammer Ammo
Speech Jammer Ammo
ID: 59059 | Capacity: 20


Unable to Sell /buy 59059
QSW-06 Suppressor
QSW-06 Suppressor
ID: 59060



/buy 59060