Quick Glance

Item ID 58739
Item Type GUN
Inventory Size 3x2
Buy Price Not For Sale
Sell Price 34,999.99¢
Description Russian Kalashnikov PP-91 KEDR submachine gun. A simple and easy to manufacture weapon that is lightweight and compact and capable of effectively taking down a target up close with a high rate of fire. Cartridge: 9x18

Gun Stats

Action Trigger
Fire Rate 2
Recoil Min X -0.791
Recoil Max X 0.891
Recoil Min Y 3.27
Recoil Max Y 3.27
Shake Min X -0.004
Shake Max X 0.004
Shake Min Y -0.0015
Shake Max Y -0.0025
Shake Min Z -0.02
Shake Max Z -0.04
Ammo Per Shot 1
Muzzle Velocity 650
Aim In Duration 0.225
Aim During Sprint
Zombie Alert Radius 48
Member Damage Multiplier Leg 34.2
Member Damage Multiplier Arm 36.1
Member Damage Multiplier Spine 38
Member Damage Multiplier Head 52.06
Zombie Damage Multiplier Leg 29.7
Zombie Damage Multiplier Arm 38
Zombie Damage Multiplier Spine 38
Zombie Damage Multiplier Head 52.06
Animal Damage Multiplier Leg 38
Aiming Movement Speed Multiplier 0.745
Has a Sight Slot
Has a Tactical Slot
Has a Grip Slot
Has a Barrel Slot
Can Jam
Can Toggle Safety
Can Toggle Semi
Can Toggle Auto
Can Toggle Burst
Infinite Ammo
Instakill Headshots

Extra Stats

Use Underwater
Delete at Zero Quality

Attachments & Ammunition

Image Information Buy Price Sell Price Buy Command
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/buy 58740
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ID: 58741 | Capacity: 30



/buy 58741