Carl Gustaf M3

Carl Gustaf M3

Quick Glance

Item ID 58642
Item Type GUN
Inventory Size 5x2
Buy Price Not For Sale
Sell Price 74,999.99¢
Description Swedish Carl Gustaf M3 recoilless rifle. The portable anti-tank weapon of many NATO countries that fires a large variety of rounds with high velocity. Cartridge: 84x245mm Carl Gustav Rounds

Gun Stats

Action Rocket
Fire Rate 50
Shake Min X -0.005
Shake Max X 0.005
Shake Min Y 0.005
Shake Max Y -0.005
Shake Min Z -0.025
Shake Max Z -0.05
Sight Item ID 58644
Ammo Per Shot 1
Muzzle Velocity 500
Aim In Duration 0.3
Aim During Sprint
Zombie Alert Radius 48
Zombie Damage Multiplier Arm 130
Animal Damage Multiplier Leg 130
Aiming Movement Speed Multiplier 0.9
Has a Sight Slot
Has a Tactical Slot
Has a Grip Slot
Has a Barrel Slot
Can Jam
Can Toggle Safety
Can Toggle Semi
Can Toggle Auto
Can Toggle Burst
Infinite Ammo
Instakill Headshots

Extra Stats

Use Underwater
Delete at Zero Quality

Attachments & Ammunition

Image Information Buy Price Sell Price Buy Command
FFV551 HEAT Round
FFV551 HEAT Round
ID: 58643 | Capacity: 1


Unable to Sell /buy 58643
Carl Gustaf Scope
Carl Gustaf Scope
ID: 58644
Not For Sale Unable to Sell N/A
FFV441B HE Round
FFV441B HE Round
ID: 58646 | Capacity: 1


Unable to Sell /buy 58646
FFV751 Tandem Round
FFV751 Tandem Round
ID: 58647 | Capacity: 1


Unable to Sell /buy 58647
FFV509 ASM Round
FFV509 ASM Round
ID: 58719 | Capacity: 1


Unable to Sell /buy 58719
FFV469 Smoke Round
FFV469 Smoke Round
ID: 59087 | Capacity: 1


Unable to Sell /buy 59087