Yellow Bed

Yellow Bed

Quick Glance

Item ID 17636
Slot Type NONE
Inventory Size 2x3
Buy Price 1,499.99¢
Sell Price 29.99¢
Description Compact and warm bed perfect for a home.

Barricade Stats

Can Be Salvaged
Bypass Claim Flag
Placeable on Vehicle

Extra Stats

Use Underwater
Delete at Zero Quality

Crafting Recipe

Materials Requirements

Cloth (66) 12x + Maple Plank (61) 8x + Yellow Flare (260) 1x OR Cloth (66) 12x + Birch Plank (62) 8x + Yellow Flare (260) 1x OR Cloth (66) 12x + Pine Plank (63) 8x + Yellow Flare (260) 1x

⚒️ None

🚧 Crafting Level 3